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Nicolas Guibert is returning to PSA


After morethantwoyears, the Executive Vice President,NicolasGuibert is endinghismission at TPCA and is returning backto PSA, the parent company. Hissuccessorwill be namedApril 1st, 2008.

NicolasGuibert(41) served asexecutive vice presidentofTPCA01.012006, when he replaced Jean-Pierre Chantossel. He has been working for thecompanyPSAPeugeotCitroënsince 1989, for example, hewas the head ofproduction atPSAin Argentina,ChileandFrance.Before coming to the Kolín car manufacturing plant, he was the directorof productionat the plantfor the production ofaxles inMulhouse, France

Matěj Matolín
TPCA spokesperson