TPCA presents 2.050.000 crowns to the municipalities
As part of the municipal project, TPCA in Kolín presented over two million crowns to the municipalities. The money is intended for municipal projects aimed at improving life in the community. The automobile manufacturer increased the promised amount by CZK 550,000.
Kolín, June 28th, 2004 TPCA evaluated 24 projects registered in the municipal project and selected five villages for which it shall divide a total of CZK 2,050,000. These include building a bridge (Veltruby), a sports field (Velký Osek, Sány), construction of new bus stops (Opolany) and renovation of monuments (Jestřabí Lhota).
Having examined the proposals submitted, the committee reconsidered the original intention to divide 1.500 000 CZK between two projects and decided to increase it to the amount of CZK 2,050 000 and divide it among the five projects. Many projects did not reach the planned amount of 550,000 CZK and it would be unfair to exclude them just because they are "too cheap".
While making the decisions, we preferred projects that are "open" to as many people as possible. We excluded projects focused on one sport or sports team. Another criterion was the financial capability of the municipality and the current status of the project - in the case of municipalities Velký Osek, Sány and Veltruby, these were ongoing projects that had to be discontinued due to lack of funds.
Municipal project
The municipal project was designed for cities and municipalities in the Kolín region, where TPCA offered the possibility of co-financing projects to improve the environment, support cultural and sports activities, or use funds for maintenance and operation of cultural heritage sites of the region.
TPCA recommended to include known existing projects into the Municipal project that have long been planned and due to the lack of finances they could not be carried out. Developing a new project is often expensive and we did not want the Municipal project to cause further financial burden to the municipalities.
Bridge construction over hluboký potok
Submitted by: Veltruby
Financing: bridge construction: CZK 700 000, land purchasing ensured by municipality (CZK 1, 300, 000).
Project description: Construction of the bicycle bridge over hluboký potok which will allow the extension of existing cycle routes between Kolín and Hradíštko all the way to the sand lake in Hradíštko.
Reasoning: The sand lake in Hradišťko is a popular recreational area for residents of Kolín and the surrounding area. The current cyclist route ends 1 km before the lake and the cyclists must cycle on the road. It is especially dangerous when crossing hluboký potok along the narrow road bridge, where there have already been several accidents, including fatal accidents. We believe that building a small bridge for cyclists shall benefit a large number of people who visit the lake.
Repair of the cultural heritage site
Submitted by Jestřabí Lhota
Financing CZK 180, 000
Project description
Three monuments stand in the middle of the square: the stone cross from 1880, the bell tower from 1894 and a memorial to those that have fallen in the First World War. The aim of the project is a full reconstruction of the monuments, replacing the tiles and bordering them with limestone columns with decorative chains.
The small cultural heritage sites are an important part of the tradition and history of the community, yet are unjustly overlooked and rarely are funds released for their reconstruction. Jestřabí Lhota has asked for a grant twice through Rural Renewal, but to no avail. Monuments, which themselves have no direct impact on the quality of life in the village, have always had to take a backseat to projects that appeared more pressing and useful. We believe that without TPCA’s help, no reconstruction would occur and the monuments symbolizing the tradition of the village would have continued to deteriorate.
Building bus stops
Submitted by Opolany
Financing CZK 225, 000
Project description
Constructing bus stops in three parts of Opolany: Opolany, Kanín, Oškobrh. In Opolany and Oškobrh there are old tin bus shelters from 1975, in Kanín there is not one at all.
For most peoplethebus system is anintegralpart of everyday life. The wooden bus shelters respecting thevillage’s setting in theenvironment will beautifythe village but also improve the dailylives of citizensandincrease travelling culture.Another reasonis thatthe constructionwillinvolve localcitizensfrom the Carpenter’s Association in Opolany.
Sports area
Submitted by Velký Osek
Financing playground:CZK 580, 000
Project description
Construction of a multi-purposeplaygroundat the elementaryschool
The Masaryk Elementary Schoolin Velký Osek is attended by pupils fromthe village of Velký Osek, Veltruby, Volárna, Jestřabí Lhota, Sány etc.The multi-purpose fieldwill allowchildrenfromVelký Osekand its area todo sportson high qualitydust-freefield. The promise that the site will not only be used by children from the elementary school but also by the general public in the afternoon played an importantrole inthe decision process.
Children’s playground
Submitted by Sány
Financing CZK 370, 000
Project description
Playground equipment and complete the sports area.
The village began building the playground near the already existing football field last year but due to a lack of funds work was stopped. The project includes climbing frames and swings for children, benches around the playground, but also the improvement of the immediate surroundings: soccer field, snack bar, dance area. We believe that a friendly sport-cultural area is a very important part of the citizen’s community (including children), to meet and have fun playing sports together.