TPCA has a new vice-president for production
The Kolín car manufacturer, TPCA Toyota Peugeot Citroën, is strengthening itstopmanagement. JimCrosbie has become the new vice-president ofproduction. He is coming toTPCAfromToyota'sUKfactorywhere he heldthe position of the directorof production.TPCA’s presidentSatoshiTachiharaandExecutive Vice PresidentPatriceLeGuyader remain in their positions.
TPCA is not an unknown car manufacturer for JimCrosbie. "I have visited TPCA in the past. The quality ofresultsand ,in particular, thehighnumber of implementedKaizens(NB=KaizenJapanese wordforimprovement proposal) submitted by employees left a great impression on me. Itreflects legendaryCzechingenuity. This is a featureI intend topromote, developand try toadd on with myyears of experiencein the automotiveindustry," the new vice president for production explains.
JimCrosbie(44) comes from Scotland. He has workedinvarious positionsatToyota'sfactoryin the UK for the past 10 years.Prior to joiningToyota, he worked for 14 yearsat a BritishPeugeot carmaker. He moved to the CzechRepublictogetherwith hiswifeandtwodaughters.
Radek Kňava
TPCA Press Office
About the Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile Czech company
ToyotaPeugeotCitroënAutomobile (TPCA) is a jointventure of the ToyotaMotorCorporationandPSAPeugeotCitroën, which was builtin2002 in the industrialzone ofKolín-Ovčáry. Production beganinFebruary 2005with an annualcapacity of300,000cars. Currently, TPCA employs over more than 3000 employees. TPCA represents one of the largest exporters in the Czech Republic. The Kolín car manufacturer produces Toyota Aygo, Peugeot 107 and Citroën C1 models, city cars with reliability and low fuel consumption. TPCA employs the most environment-friendly technology as proven with the BAT (Best Available Techniques), which the plant was awarded along with an international certificate of environmental management EN ISO 14001:2004. TPCA has given over 85 million crowns to sponsor the Kolín region.