The Green factory in Kolín reduced energy consumption
Last year the Kolín car manufacturer, TPCA, reduced energy consumption per car by one kilowatt-hour to 673 kWh. Energy savingwas the main topicof the so-calledgreenmonth that TPCAhastraditionallyproclaimed to be the month of June. Even betterresults were achievedin reducing theamount of wasteproducedpercar.Last yearit was7.5 kg, the year before that it was7.73 kg. Kolín’s carmaker belongs to one of theenvironmentallyfriendliestautomotive manufacturers in the world.
It holds very lowvaluesinwater consumptionwhentheproduction of onecarconsumesonly1.17 cubic metersof waterandemissionsof volatile organic compounds(VOC) frompaint shopsarewell below thelimits in the CzechRepublic.TPCAproducesonly12.9 gramsof volatile organic compounds persquare meter ofpainted surface where, in the Czech Republic, the limit in force is up to40 g of VOC emissions.
Since its establishment, TPCA is committed to reducing the impact on the environment; it is certified according to ISO standards used by factories as proof of environmental protection management. At the start of production, TPCA received a BAT certificate on using only the most environmentally friendly technologies available.
The company also encourages its employees to behave respectfully to the environment. The campaign called Green Month is regularly held especially for the month of June. A part of Green Month is also a competition for the best department in waste sorting, selecting the top three Kaizen in for the environment, thematic weekend excursions for employees' families and Clean Air Day. This year 260 employees took part in it and those who used a bike to travel to work obtained a shirt with a motif of a green month. Stickers for saving electricity and drinking water were placed near the switches and faucets around the factory.
New this year for Green Month is a competition for students of elementary schools in Kolín. It is called good deeds for nature. Students from Kolín schoolsareencouragedto do a good deed for the environment.Theydocumented it with photosor an up totwo-minutevideo andsentitalongwith a shorttext descriptionandcontact informationby September 16th to The carmakerthenplacedpostson the facebookprofileGooddeedfor the countryside,wherestudentswill also have theopportunity to sharetips andlinksfocusedon the environment.Any individual whoisinvolvedin the competitionwill receivea small giftandthethreebestworks will receive avaluableprize.
Support forenvironmental projectsisalso apparentin TPCA grants. Justthis year,the carmakerwill supportthe TPCA grant programPartnership for the Kolín region with atotal offiveprojectsfor1.4 millioncrowns.TPCAalso supportsenvironmental projectsof their employees.In April itfinanciallysupported Kolín’s celebrationof Earth Day, onwhich its employees participated in itsorganization.
Radek Kňava
TPCA Press Office